As a community experiencing renewal by the gospel, we take seriously Jesus’ command to love others as ourselves.

The Diaconate is the primary engine of care and support for those in our community who are struggling with challenging circumstances. This group of men (deacons) and women (deaconesses) meet practical and visible needs while also fostering a heart change through encounters with Jesus and one another.

Learn more about the Diaconate

Contact the Diaconate

If you are in need of help, we would encourage you to contact the Diaconate as a first step. You can do this by contacting the Diaconate helpline or completing the Diaconate form below.

Diaconate Helpline: 917-206-1452

This helpline serves those in crisis or in challenging situations within the Redeemer Downtown congregation only. Your call will be returned within 36 hours. (In case of emergency or matters of safety, please call 911, your local emergency room, or 1-888-NYC WELL (888-692-9355))

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