Ultimately, to be a member of a local church is to make a public promise to live according to the Bible and support the vision and ministry of that church. In the Bible, a public promise is called a covenant. Every follower of Jesus is part of the Church when we think about it as an organism (the Spiritual Body of Christ), but only by a public promise can someone be part of a church as an organization.
Spring 2025 Membership classes will be held on May 18.
This two-and-a-half-hour class will focus on:
If you have any questions about the membership class, please email Marie Sclafani.
The next Membership Class is on May 18. Register here.
Individual applications (spouses, please do your own application) must be completed before moving on to step 3. You may begin and complete your membership application any time.
*Steps 1 and 2 may be completed in any order.
Meet with either a pastor or both an elder and deacon/deaconess for your membership interview (45 to 60 minutes). Our staff and elders will work with you to schedule an appointment. Your name will be submitted to the monthly Session meeting for approval if recommended for membership. Married couples who both profess the Christian faith will interview together. Both spouses need to complete steps 1, 2, and 3 individually to move on to the interview.
Take your membership vows at a worship service. If you have never been baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, your baptism will be scheduled for the same service as your vows.
2025 Upcoming vows and baptism dates are: March 30 and June 15
If you have any questions, please email Marie Sclafani.
You should notify your previous church when you decide you would like to become a member at Redeemer Downtown. If you are coming from another Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) church, you must go through all four steps listed above. If you are coming from another church in the Redeemer network of churches (currently, they are East Side, West Side, Lincoln Square and East Harlem), you only need to complete an interview with an officer of Redeemer Downtown.
Former churches may send a letter or certificate of transfer to:
Membership Coordinator
Redeemer Presbyterian Church Downtown
1500 Broadway, Suite 700
New York, NY 10036
For digital letters or certificates, please email them to:
The letter or certificate should say:
Under our bylaws, Redeemer Downtown does not allow dual membership—that is, membership of both Redeemer Downtown and any other church at the same time, even if that church is a PCA church.
If you have never been baptized before and would like to be, you will need to complete the membership process first (see above). Be sure to discuss your desire to be baptized at your membership interview. This will allow you to be scheduled for baptism on the day you take your membership vows.
Older children
At Redeemer Downtown, families with children in the 5th grade and above are invited to participate in the Communicants Class, offered once a year.
Instruction - Students participate in 6 weeks of discussion and exploration of the membership vows and foundations of the faith, both in class and with their parents.
Response - Students, adult mentors and parents prayerfully discern a child's readiness to make a sincere, heartfelt public profession of faith.
Declaration - Upon taking the same five membership vows as adults, we welcome these baptized communicants as full members of the church body, enabling them to participate in communion, serve alongside other church members, and further grow in their faith.
If you have further questions or would like to connect with our team, both our Youth Ministry Manager, Will Anderson, and Director of Women's and Family Ministries, Ashley Spilker are available to connect with you.