Our vision & Values

Join us in living not for ourselves, but for Jesus in the city.

Our vision is an ongoing invitation that pulls us forward—and our values are our distinctives that bind us together as a community pursuing that vision every day.

Our vision

A community experiencing renewal by the Gospel, raising up generations of disciples, living for Jesus in the city.

Our Identity

"A community experiencing renewal by the gospel"

In a city often characterized by individualism, we are a community made up of different ethnicities, ages, and backgrounds—and we are united in Christ. We have a dynamic of renewal by God’s Spirit within us as we experience the truth of God’s grace in the gospel and work out the implications of that grace in all facets of life.

Our Action

"Raising up generations of disciples"

Jesus’ call in the Great Commission is to make disciples—followers who will obey everything that he has commanded and who themselves will make disciples in their generation. This is still our calling today. By focusing on raising up generations, we recognize that discipling is always done in a broader context that impacts not just the individual, but cultural arenas like work, the arts, and technology.

Our Impact

"Living for Jesus in the city"

Many people come to the city for a time—living for themselves, seeking to get something from the city—and then leave. God has placed Redeemer Downtown in the city of New York not to use the city for our own ends, but to be for its good. God’s call on us is to live for Jesus in the city. He is the one who gives us a vision for the good of the city, and he is the only one who, by His Spirit, can change the city to become as it is meant to be.

Our values

Our values connect together like a tree. We are rooted, being deeply formed in Jesus Christ. He gives us the spiritual resources required to grow into an inviting community. This community then branches out into all facets of our lives as we embrace the mindset of being city hopeful.

Deeply Formed

New York City is a wonderful but challenging place to live. To flourish in the city requires being deeply formed in the image of Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:6-7). At Redeemer Downtown, we are committed to integrating historic practices of spiritual formation, rooted in the gospel of grace, and applied to city life today.

  • Practice: Living out the discipleship wheel in a balanced life of: love for God, love for one another, love for the city.

Inviting Community

The city is a paradox—being home to so many people living in a tight space who are yet so often isolated and “alone together.” We want to be an inviting community both because there should be something intuitively attractive about how we love one another, and because we are actively inviting people who don’t know Christ into our midst.

  • Practice: Opening our lives to others in New York City in active hospitality by sharing our table, our resources, and our relationships.

City Hopeful

Hope is not mere optimism but is generated by faith that God is at work establishing his kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven.” To be city hopeful is to have an orientation toward the city, knowing that God is renewing all things, and to long to see God’s purposes for the city be fulfilled.

  • Practice: Sharing the good news of Jesus through word and deed in a contextualized way for the city and its people.

Meet our staff

Our staff is here to pastor, equip, and send you out as we live for Jesus in the city.

Meet our staff

Learn about our approach to spiritual formation

Everything we do is grounded in the work of spiritual formation.

Our approach