Children's Ministry

Sign up

Thank you for your interest in helping serve the families of Redeemer Downtown. We seek to provide the best care for our children through a solid team of volunteers.

From nursery to preschool to fifth grade, we need volunteers to help with our Children’s Ministry. Opportunities to serve include curriculum development, teaching, assisting, greeting and registering children, and room setup. If you have a heart for families and children, come serve with us. Contact Karen Girard if interested in serving in Nursery and Preschool or Lindsay Anderson if interested in Elementary.

Why volunteer with the Children’s Ministry?

  • Invested: Children are the next generation of influencers for Christ in New York City and around the world. 
  • Called: God has given each of us talents to share with others. This is a great place to share your gifts.
  • Equipped: Whether you come with training or receive training as you serve with us, your skills and experience will affect families of Redeemer Downtown each week.
  • Community: Your investment in the lives of families and fellow volunteers at Redeemer Downtown allows for deeper community. One parent expressed how the community of Children’s Ministry volunteers helps their family stay in the city.

Apply to serve our Children’s Ministry

You are required to complete an application and contact two references before joining a volunteer team. Once we receive your application and hear from your references, we will arrange an interview and complete your background check.

What you can expect from us

  • Fellowship and community with other volunteers and Redeemer Downtown families.
  • Service and training opportunities.
  • Prayer from Redeemer Downtown's Prayer Team for your volunteer team.
  • Most importantly: Joy in knowing you are impacting the lives of children for all eternity!